One Time Payment  (must be 18+)

  • While recurring coaching can be utilized if appropriate, coaching is designed to be a one time resource. Our goal is to get your answer and get it right, not to keep you coming back for more coaching.  

  • Life is messy. Get personalized solutions from coaching whether it involves emotional pain, personal growth, intimate relationships, career, or parenting.

  • Your situation is unique, and your session is private.

  • Your first coaching contact includes an official typing. Your type is the foundation successful coaching is built upon and you'll receive an official certificate of type afterwards. 

  • Upon identifying your true personality type, you will be given access to the Discover premium content on the member's portal for your type.

  • You may request a  video recording of your session for future review and you may ask up to 3 follow up questions after your session (included with your session)

Personality Based

Do you wish you had more control over your life? Stop arguing with yourself about why you should be further along by now. Understanding yourself better is the key to moving forward, we will show you how. 


It might not be your work ethic or your performance. The truth is that to get ahead you  also have to master building relationships with coworkers and managers too. We'll show you how to communicate so that your contributions are valued and people look to ally themselves with you.

Relationships and Intimacy

Each relationship is unique, but they all have one thing in common. Both partners yearn for that deep connection. We will help you understand each other better so that you can have that connection. 

Parenting and Family

Parenting isn't supposed to be this difficult, is it? We all want nothing more than to protect our kids and give them everything. But they need more than that. We'll teach you to communicate so that your children hear you.